Does innovation strategy affect financial, social and environmental performance?


  • Ferdaws Ezzi PHD, student in Financial and Accounting Methods: LARTIGE Sfax, University of Gabes, Gabes, Tunisia
  • Anis Jarboui Doctor and HDR Financial and Accounting associate professor of Universities Higher Institute of Business Administration (ISAAS), University of Sfax, Tunisia


Innovation strategy, Social performance, Financial performance, Environmental performance


In the very study, the emphasis lays on the specific problem of analyzing the impact of the innovation strategy (in particular investment in research and development) on the financial, social and environmental performance. After discussing this subject theoretically, we propose our research hypotheses which, in turn, will be corroborated by an empirical study of 96 Tunisian companies. Indeed, the results are noteworthy and important to the extent that one can say that the innovation strategy has a crucial impact on the performance of the companies.



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How to Cite

Ezzi, F., & Jarboui, A. . (2016). Does innovation strategy affect financial, social and environmental performance?. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 21(40), 14–24. Retrieved from