Determinants of Strategic Risk Management in Emerging Markets Supply Chains: The Case of Mexico


  • Walfried Lassar Ryder Center for Supply Chain Management, Florida International University, USA., University of Southern California.
  • Jerry Haar Management and International Business, Florida International University, USA. Columbia University
  • Raúl Montalvo Ph.D. Professor of Economics, Tec of Monterrey, Guadalajara Campus, Mexico. University of Essex
  • Leslie Hulser Research Associate, Ryder Center for Supply Chain Management, Florida International University, USA. MBA, Florida International University.



Risk management, emerging markets, Supply Chain Management, IT


Risk mitigation in global supply chains has grown in importance in recent years, in tandem with globalization and both the commercial and security threats faced by firms both large and small. This study hypothesizes that a firm’s ability to manage risk strategy— and therefore support its competitiveness—is determined by a symbiotic triad of factors: the resources it utilizes; network systems; and performance criteria it employs. The study, comprising 24 in-depth interviews with electronics and IT firms, examines resource utilization through the Resource-Based View (RBV), assesses firms’ proclivity to engage in networks for risk mitigation and competitiveness; and highlights the importance of performance evaluation as a critically important component in supply chain management. Findings reveal that both buyers and suppliers believe that the symbiotic triad can provide them with a competitive advantage in addition to improving operational efficiency, effectiveness and quality. Future research should also extend this pilot investigation to other countries and industries, and utilize a larger sample of firms for quantitative as well as qualitative assessment.


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How to Cite

Lassar, W. ., Haar, J. ., Montalvo, R. ., & Hulser, L. . (2010). Determinants of Strategic Risk Management in Emerging Markets Supply Chains: The Case of Mexico. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 15(28), 125–140.