La construcción del desarrollo desde los gobiernos sub nacionales: una visión desde la perspectiva de la gestión ambiental descentralizada
centralism, decentralization, decline, development, health, environmentAbstract
The transition of the Peruvian political system to decentralization has uncovered a number of factors that condition national development although by bringing the State closer to the people, the contrary should be expected. These elements underlie the existing culture of government and the ordinary citizen’s so that despite specifi c opportunities to foster development, they are not revealed in human development indicators but only on economic indicators. One of these elements is the natural reaction to changes in the power structure existing inside the centralist system that have been revealed by the slow transfer of competencies from the central to the sub-national governments. Another such element is the limited ability of sub-national governments that fail to respond to the challenge of demonstrating better competencies to address the citizens’ demands.
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