Hacia el cierre de los «cementerios de proyectos». Por qué fracasan las redes estratégicas: el caso de los proyectos de desarrollo con fondos internacionales
strategic networks, development projects, qualitative method, asymmetries between organizationsAbstract
It seeks to find the reasons why development projects fail focusing the analysis on the initial stage of strategic networks, considering that these projects conceptually fall within the definition of strategic networks. For this, the so-called grounded theory method of analysis is used, which allows the theory to be "discovered" from very detailed descriptions of what is observed. The unit of analysis are economic development projects financed with international funds, of which a small sample is taken. It is concluded that it is not only the lack of money that prevents the approval and implementation of projects, but also the asymmetries between organizations, as it is suggested that managerial and technological capacities, as well as legitimacy and trust, are not used to balance the subordinate position in which local organizations are found. However, it is argued that a better management of asymmetries will avoid the recurrence of the dominant-submissive behavior observed in the initiation of projects and will allow greater flexibility, which will result in the best design of the projects and increase the possibilities of their successful execution.
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