Creation of shared value in cooperatives: informal institutions’ perspective of small-sized banana growers from Colombia
Shared value, Informal institutions, Bottom of the pyramidAbstract
PurposeThis study aims to identify informal institutions for bottom-of-the-pyramid (BoP) business models in the agricultural sector through the case study of banana growers’ cooperatives.
Design/methodology/approachA case study of six banana cooperatives from Colombia was conducted. The research followed a mixed design, using both qualitative and quantitative data and the application of structural equations.
FindingsThis study shows that social capital, networking and alliances are essential in BoP businesses.
Originality/valueAuthors defined a model of informal institutional factors for the generation of economic and social value in inclusive business, using the new institutional theory and the conceptual development of BoP in agri-business.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Marcela Maestre Matos, Jahir Lombana-Coy, Francisco J. Mesias

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