The impact of relationship marketing practices on companies’ market and financial performance in emerging markets
Marketing practices, Relationship marketing, Financial performance, Market performance, Emerging marketsAbstract
PurposeThe paper aims to reveal the impact of relationship marketing (RM) practices adopted by companies in emerging markets on their market and financial performance (FP) over a long-term, 13-year perspective.
Design/methodology/approachThe research design combines primary empirical data from 229 Russian companies, based on the Contemporary Marketing Practices (CMP) survey, and objective FP data from official statistical databases for 2008–2020 to verify the impact of RM practices on market and FP in the long term.
FindingsThe research underlines the significant impact of RM practices. It is important to notice that the effect of product development (PD) on marketing performance is mediated by competitor orientation. PD affects market and FP, whose roles vary with the return on assets (ROA).
Research limitations/implicationsResearch design supplements the subjective survey data with the objective FP data on the ROA to avoid common method bias.
Practical implicationsImplementation of RM practices by Russian companies can increase their effectiveness of performance in the long term.
Originality/valueThis research shows the positive impact of RM practices on the FP of Russian firms over the past 13 years.
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