La investigación sobre el marketing relacional: un análisis de contenido de la literatura 2007-2008
Relational Marketing, relationship with consumer, information management, literature reviewAbstract
The purpose of this article is to perform a literature review on Relational Marketing, to prepare a content analysis of it for classification and to provide to Marketing academics and practitioners with a bibliography by subjects. A search on Relational Marketing articles was performed in 55 specialized journals. Each article was taken as a unit of analysis. The classification of the units in excluding categories was prepared by two independent researchers to confirm the validity of the classification. The analysis of content considered five excluding categories: objectives, constructs, instruments, industrial applications and subjects for the years 2007 and 2008. The study, at the same time, classifies the articles according the criteria of region, region and studied industry for these years. The classification for industries implied reordering all the authors of the reviewed texts according to universal criteria of codification of economics activities CIIU.
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