Trademarks and Elements of Personality: Relevant Aspects for The Protection of The Identity and Prestige of Natural Personse


  • Gabriel Benites Arrieta Universidad ESAN, Perú



trademark law, personality rights, affection on identity, affection on prestige


Many distinctive signs of products and services offered in the market are made up of terms that reproduce elements of identification of natural persons. In some cases, it is noted that the purchase decision is determined by the message that is assumed with the identification of the person. This study aims to develop the legally relevant aspects from the standpoint of trademark law that allow for settling possible conflicts based on a sign made up of an element associated with the identity or prestige of a third party.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Benites Arrieta, Universidad ESAN, Perú

Doctorando en Derecho en la Universidad de Alicante (España), magíster en Derecho de la Empresa por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y abogado por la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Ha participado en cursos de especialización en propiedad intelectual en Corea del Sur, Inglaterra, China y Costa Rica. Coordinador legal de la Sala Especializada en Propiedad Intelectual del Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (Indecopi). Profesor de Propiedad Intelectual en la Universidad ESAN y en la Escuela Nacional del Indecopi.


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How to Cite

Benites Arrieta, G. (2021). Trademarks and Elements of Personality: Relevant Aspects for The Protection of The Identity and Prestige of Natural Personse. Giuristi: Revista De Derecho Corporativo, 2(3), 22–49.