Good governance of public finance and economic development


  • Manuel Tirard Universidad de París-Nanterre, Francia



Good governance, public finances, budget balance


The concept of good governance of public finances emerged in the 1990s within the discourse of international organizations to promote issues well known today, such as the performance of public spending, the transparency of the public budget, etc. After the 2008 crisis, this concept has evolved towards the obligation to respect the budget balance. In any case, the national reception of the international prescriptions in the matter of good governance of public finances must be verified, thus showing the difficulties involved in wanting to apply the same legal rules everywhere. The example of the varied reception of the golden rule of public finances by the laws of European states confirms this.


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Author Biography

Manuel Tirard, Universidad de París-Nanterre, Francia

Doctor en Derecho Público por la Universidad Panthéon-Assas, magíster por la Universidad de París II en Fiscalidad Empresarial y magíster summa cum laude en Derecho Comparado por la misma universidad. Profesor asociado de Derecho Público en la Universidad de París-Nanterre y miembro del Centro de investigación de Derecho Público (CRDP). Ha sido director de programas académicos de la Universidad de Nueva Caledonia y codirector de las Universidades de Verano Franco-Alemanas en Bielorrusia, Japón y Perú.


The World Bank. Sub-Saharan Africa : From crisis to sustainable growth, a long-term perspective study. Washington DC : The World Bank,1989.

Fonds Monétaire International (FMI). Code de bonnes pratiques en matière de transparence des finances publiques. FMI, 1998 (actualizado en el 2007).

Transparence budgétaire : Les meilleures pratiques de l’OCDE. Revue de l’OCDE sur la gestion budgétaire 1, n.° 3 (2001/2002).



How to Cite

Tirard, M. (2020). Good governance of public finance and economic development. Giuristi: Revista De Derecho Corporativo, 1(2), 308–317.



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