The magnitude of “mype” in Peru. Freedom to choose the business structure


  • Luis Agustín Aliaga Jibaja Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú



micro and small business, informality, business, corporate forms


The purpose of this article is to describe the current situation of micro and small-sized enterprises (mype) considering national statistics and legal aspects. It highlights the importance of the mype sector as it represents the largest number of businesses in the country and it´s the largest provider of jobs to the national economy. This article also addresses the informality of the mype sector, the individual characteristics of mypes as business organizations, the legal limitations to access the different incorporation forms and the need to carry out reforms to promote the development of the sector.


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Author Biography

Luis Agustín Aliaga Jibaja, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú

Graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, with a Master's degree from the Postgraduate Unit of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). Ordinary Professor of Faculty of Law and Political Science of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (1990 to date). 1990 to date). Hired professor at the Corporate Law School of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (1990 to date). ESAN.


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How to Cite

Aliaga Jibaja, L. A. (2021). The magnitude of “mype” in Peru. Freedom to choose the business structure. Giuristi: Revista De Derecho Corporativo, 2(4), 181–199.