July - December
Vol. 4 No. 8 (2023)El octavo número de Giuristi: Revista de Derecho Corporativo, que cierra su cuarto año desde que fue fundada en el 2020, y cuyo primer número fue publicado en junio de ese mismo año. Este nuevo ejemplar refleja el empeño de una parte importante de profesores y personal administrativo a cargo de la edición y publicación de la revista, la cual se ha convertido en un elemento de vital importancia para el desarrollo de la carrera de Derecho Corporativo en la Universidad ESAN, que se continúa afianzando en el mercado jurídico como un líder del sector.
January - June
Vol. 4 No. 7 (2023)In this issue you will be able to read about the challenges that the professional training of lawyers faces in developing global citizenship; how useful the Accelerated Refinancing Procedure in Bankruptcy (PARC) could be in mitigating the effects of the COVID pandemic; the difference between the defense of honor and the defense of good reputation, between the figure of libel and the figure of defamation; the optics of the highest courts of justice on the environment and its legal protection; the inapplicability of the legal norm to cases of aggravated robbery; and the parity and alternation of women within the political scene and national public management.
julio - diciembre
Vol. 3 No. 6 (2022)We are pleased to present the sixth issue of Giuristi: Revista de Derecho Corporativo, carefully worked, in which current and important issues are addressed. We highlight the analysis of the legal feasibility of contracting digital mortgage loans in Peru; likewise, we re-flect on the sources of law and, specifically, on the sources of tax law.
Enero - Junio
Vol. 3 No. 5 (2022)La publicación del quinto número de la Revista de Derecho Corporativo, Giuristi pone de manifiesto el respaldo de ESAN Ediciones y el compromiso de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales por contribuir con la investigación académica en el campo jurídico, con énfasis en la internacionalización.
July - December
Vol. 2 No. 4 (2021)Giuristi: Revista de Derecho Corporativo publishes its fourth issue, confirming its vocation as a platform for the dissemination of academic knowledge in the legal field and the commitment of the human team that drives each of its editions.
January -June
Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021)The third issue, prepared with the usual care, brings together a series of topical articles that, by dealing with various legal issues, stimulate research and debate.
July - December
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)Present the second edition of Giuristi, which brings together a selection of interesting and current articles focusing on corporate law and good governance issues. They are the result of exhaustive research by renowned corporate law professors, as well as by prominent foreign jurists