The interpretation in tax law


  • Ángel Marco Chávez Gonzales Universidad ESAN, Perú



interpretation of tax rules, interpretive criteria, methods of interpretation, interpretation apothegms, analogy


Tax controversies in part are originated by the different interpretations of the tax regulations between tax administration and taxpayers, so the issue of the interpretation of the tax regulations is of academic interest for this reason we have resorted to the doctrine and from a practical point of view to the resolutions of the Tax Court and the judgments of the Supreme Court. This article begins showing what tax controversies mean in numbers; then referring to the a priori approach of the interpreter, known as general interpretation criteria; also we will discuss the methods of interpretation; after we will see the apothegms of interpretation, which are topical arguments of fairly general acceptance; finalizing the article with the analogy, the excessive interpretation of the rule and the interpretation of the tax relief.


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Author Biography

Ángel Marco Chávez Gonzales, Universidad ESAN, Perú

D. in Tax Policy and Tax System, Master in Law from Boston University, Diploma in Transfer Pricing (tax certificate) from Leyden University (The Netherlands), Lawyer from Pontificia Universidad Católica from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and Bachelor in Accounting from Universidad Ricardo Palma. Ricardo Palma University. He is a professor at Universidad ESAN (Peru) and a postgraduate professor at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. He has been a member of the Advisory Committee of Tax Law Advisory Committee of the Lima Bar Association. Tax advisor.


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How to Cite

Chávez Gonzales, Ángel M. (2021). The interpretation in tax law. Giuristi: Revista De Derecho Corporativo, 2(4), 151–180.